News and Announcements

Our students are making headlines, and we want to share all the great news with you. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout outs. Please check in often and help us celebrate our students’ many achievements.

Principal Buckland's Messages

We encourage you to stay up to date with everything happening at Mohawk Trail Regional School! Please check out our weekly school newsletters. They are posted underneath the MTRS Student and Family Update heading.

MTRS Student Art on Show at Mocha Maya

Come see some wonderful art! On October 21, a student art show will be installed at Mocha Maya's in Shelburne Falls for community enjoyment. The show will run through the beginning of December and feature work from both middle school exploratory and high school art courses.

We hope you will find a moment to stop in for a treat and to take in the creative work of our local youth artists! Thank you to Mocha Maya's for their continued support of our students.

Winter Sports Registration is Open

As always, the winter athletic season begins the Monday after Thanksgiving and runs through the end of February. The link to registration can be found on the MTRS Athletics page. Please remember that in order to participate, every student must have a current physical on file with the health office (last thirteen months) and have completed a Baseline Concussion Test within the last two years. The link to the Baseline Concussion Test can be found within the registration link. Please reach out to District Athletics Director Greg Lilly with any and all questions regarding your student’s participation in winter athletics.

Performing Arts News

Director Paul and the cast and crew are pleased to announce that the winter play will be And Then There was One by Micheal Druce. We encourage caregivers, students, and fans of drama to come to a performance on December 13 or December 14.

Student-Led Conferences

Student-led conferences will take place on Wednesday, October 30 from noon to 3:30 p.m. We encourage caregivers to attend in person, but remote participation is available if more convenient. Please communicate this to your child’s advisor when they reach out to schedule a time with you.

Caregivers Needed

We are looking for caregivers who might be interested in being paid to helping to monitor school lunches between 11:10 a.m. and 12:40 p.m. Please email Mr. Buckland for more details.

Applications for ARTeens Are Open

ARTeens is an afterschool program where teens play, work, make art, and create a supportive creative community! ARTeens is a weekly after school program at The Art Garden in Shelburne Falls open to middle and high school teens (ages 12–19). Our fall sessions begin the week of October 22 and runs for 7 weeks. For more info and our participant interest form, go to The Art Gardens website. Interest forms are due October 15, but will be accepted until the program is full!

Hosting a Student From France

We are looking at the possibility of co-hosting a group of French students with Frontier and Greenfield HS in the spring of next year. The first step is for interested families to complete a survey. Following this, if we have enough interest, we will hold a meeting to outline the next steps. Completing the survey is not a commitment to host!

High School Student Council

Student council has officially begun for our 2024–2025 school year! We are off to a great start and have a lot planned for our year ahead. We are so excited for everyone to see what we have in store for booster week, our annual teacher appreciation luncheon, community service opportunities, the spring fling, field day, and much more! We are happy to welcome our new freshman to the council and are excited to see all the great things they accomplish. More information about booster week on the way very soon.

Middle School Council

The year is off to a great start for the Middle School Student Council! Students will be preparing for the MTRS Booster Week, making plans for the year, and thinking about running for student council officer positions. We are excited to work on appreciation events for staff, running the recycling program in the middle school, and finding ways to bring forth student voices. We cannot wait to get our group up and running, and we look forward to a wonderful year!

Athletic News

Fall sports are underway, and our Mohawk Trail Athletes are hitting the ground running! However, it is still not too late to join one of our fall teams! Please reach out to District Athletic Director Greg Lilly for more information.

Food Menus

All district menus may now be found on the Food Services page of the districts website. When you visit the page, see the linked individual menus on the far right-hand side. As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are offered free to all students in all schools in the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts again this year.