Performing Arts

MTRS Performing Arts Upcoming Events

  • Generally, Mohawk Trail Regional hosts two performances a year, one each semester. Auditions are announced and all students, grade 7 through grade 12, are encouraged to participate. Performances take place in the school's 400+ seat auditorium.
  • Spring musical auditions will take place on Friday, January 31 from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the MTRS auditorium! Prepare a song of your choosing to showcase your singing ability. Questions? Contact Director Paul via email.

Rehearsing Now

Ticket Information

  • Seats may be reserved ahead of time or purchase on the night of a performance. Pricing has historically been $12/adults and $10 students/senior citizens. More information will be made available as we near the opening night of any given performance. 

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