Frequently Asked Questions

To answer some of your questions as quickly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of those most frequently asked by Mohawk Trail parents. Be sure to read more throughout this website and in our student handbook so that you’re well-informed and prepared to support our students through a successful educational journey.

How do I enroll a student at Mohawk Trail?

We are thrilled to welcome new members to our community! Please visit our district Registration page for the information about enrolling a student at one of our schools. You may also download and print a copy of the registration forms and bring the completed forms, together with the required documentation, to our main office.

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Do you provide transportation services?

We are pleased to provide our students with safe, reliable transportation to and from school each day. We consider bus riding a privilege and expect all students to adhere to the rules for their own safety as well as for the safety of others. For information on bus policies, schedules, and routes, please visit our district Transportation page.

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May my high schooler drive to and from school?

Yes, and student parking is available with a parking permit. However, students may not drive any time during school hours including class breaks and lunch periods. Also, students may not sit in their vehicles during the lunch period. Drivers, please remember that busses always have the right-of-way.

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What are the school hours?

Arrival/Breakfast: 7:20–7:40 a.m.

Tardy Bell: 7:45 a.m.

Dismissal: 2:20 p.m.

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What should a student do if he/she will be absent from school?

If a student must miss school, please call the school office on the day of the absence. For information about attendance requirements and what qualifies as an excused absence, please refer to our student handbook.

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Do you enforce a dress code at Mohawk Trail Schools?

We expect our students to dress in an appropriate manner at all times. Student dress may not present a health or a safety hazard, violate municipal, county, or state law, or present a potential disruption of the educational process. Generally, we do not allow:

  • Clothing with any logo, writing, symbols, or numbers that reflect violence, malicious behavior, offensive language, sexual innuendo, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or anything otherwise considered disruptive or gang related
  • Non-prescription dark glasses worn on the face or head, hats, caps, or other headgear unless designated for a specific purpose 
  • Wheeled “heely-type” shoes

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What are “senior privileges”?

Seniors who are have met all graduation requirements and maintain a passing GPA may apply for senior privileges. These privileges allow seniors to leave campus early (or come to school late) for work or learning-related activities. Students are responsible for their own transportation, and student-athletes must continue to meet MIAA attendance requirements to participate in athletic events. You may pick up an application from the front office.

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Can students use cell phones during school?

Off And Away All Day: Cell Phone Policy, Grades 7 through 12

After developing and implementing our own program in the middle school to reduce cell phone use and its related negative effects, the pilot resulted in a reduction in behavior referrals and issues between students in school in relation to social media usage. As a result, this program - Off and Away All Day - will be extended into the high school in order to maximize student and staff time on learning, free of digital distraction.

We will include a specific section on the phone pilot as part of the student, staff and family feedback surveys during 2024–2025 and welcome your comments as the year starts.

The basic details are as follow:

  • Cell phones are expected to be off and away from 7:45 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. each day for all students in grades 7–12.
  • Grades 9–12 will be allowed to use phones at lunch time only. Grade 7 and 8 will remain unable to use phones during breaks or lunch.
  • No cell phone use will be permitted during transitions.
  • Caregivers can communicate with their student by calling the office at (413) 625-9811. Students are permitted to call home by using the phone in the front office.

Progressive discipline:

  1. First Offense: Verbal warning to student to put their phone away.
  2. Second Offense: Teacher/staff to take the phone for the remainder of the class. The phone is returned at the end of the class. The overseeing teacher makes a behavior referral report labeled "phone infraction."
  3. Third Offense: Administration is called and the student phone is kept at the front office until the end of the day. The student may collect the phone at the end of the day and the parent/caregiver is notified.
  4. Fourth and Subsequent Offenses: A further infraction will result in the phone being taken to the office and the parent/caregiver being required to come into school to speak with admin and pick up the phone. The student will go onto a phone plan for 10 school days which entails dropping off their phone in the front office at the start of the day and collecting it from the office at the end of the day.
  5. An additional infraction after successfully completing a phone plan will result in the student being unable to have a phone in their possession for the remainder of the current grading period.

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